Sunday, December 25, 2011

Light in Nijo -castle (Kyoto XIII)

- Thank you, friends! -

One of the most beautiful places of historic Kyoto: the Nijo -castle. Interior of one the two palaces are not shown in these photos but was the climax of that day. It remains a secret and an once in a lifetime experience. Unreal light through thin layers of clouds, then paper, lights up the nightingale floor singing. Squeaking of the floor is a heads up for the Shogun as it's a heads up for us: the aesthetics and practicality go hand in hand. Fall in asleep with the objects, wake up in the space.

It's all about the light here. The color of the light is different than in Finland. Here it's warm and slightly greenish/yellowish even in the middle of the day. I found the colors here I was always looking for but didn't know existed. The colors that make even the grey gravel glow. And the well thought harmony is visible in the smallest details. The cold winter air clears the air of bacteria called 'sounds'.

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